Coaching experiences

Guidance for Mothers of Addicts: Find Your Strength, Connection and Joy

As addiction takes control of our child’s life, anxiety takes control of our own.

We find ourselves in a state of constant:

Fear for our child and our family.

Guilt that we didn't prevent or cure our child's addiction.

Isolation because our friends and family don't understand what we're going through.

Self-doubt as we question who we are and every little thing that we've done.

Anxiety because we are always waiting for the worst.

Shame as we deal with judgment from others and ourselves.

Worry about our child becoming a statistic.

“Shame needs 3 things to survive: secrecy, silence and judgment.”

Brené Brown

Coaching, training, and support for moms who need to take back control of their lives.

Natalie Anderson
Founding Mama & Chief Facilitator

In both online and in-person retreat settings, we provide an affirming space where mothers of children struggling with addiction can find the resilience they need to make positive changes, find their passions, and lead fulfilling lives despite their loved one’s addiction struggles.

By building resilience, fostering self-love, and teaching boundaries, our goal is to empower individuals and ultimately lead them to the best life possible.

Natalie Anderson
Founding Mama & Chief Facilitator

How it works

Our process includes proven exercises, work, and play to help you get your grit and create a life you love:


in a peaceful, calming environment to unplug and recharge.


on what you care about, what is important to you and where your joy lies.


the inner-conflicts that might be derailing you and adopt new behaviors.


your boundaries so you can redefine or establish new priorities.

Let go

of obstacles and challenges with resilience.


a plan to put your choices, decisions and goals into action.


each and every milestone with the supportive community of Mamas.

Let go

of obstacles and challenges with resilience.


a plan to put your choices, decisions and goals into action.


each and every milestone with the supportive community of Mamas.

Options that work for you

We have a range of options depending on your situation. Inquire now to tell us a bit about yourself and we’ll be in touch to connect you with an experience that suits you.

1 on 1 Coaching

Feeling overwhelmed by the weight of loving a child with addiction?

Let’s navigate this journey together. We can help you set boundaries and transform your life.

Book a call with one of our mamas for 1-1 support and create a tailored plan to get your happiness back.

3-6 month packages available

Self-Serve Course

“Get Your Own Grit” is a self-paced online course designed specifically for mothers like you, who are navigating the difficult journey of supporting an older child struggling with addiction.

This course empowers you to reclaim your strength, set healthy boundaries, and begin healing on your own terms and at a pace that works for you.

Groups & Events

Do you know some struggling mamas in your area? Are you involved in a community that helps others? We uniquely design events and retreats personalized for your group!

We come to your community and provide actionable guidance to a group of moms.  We find that opening the discussion of addiction and its stigma brings people closer.

These are planned quarterly and designed specifically for registered attendees.



Shouldn’t I be spending this money to help my loved one?

This isn’t a ‘vacation’. It’s an investment in ourselves.

It’s an opportunity to figure out what’s important to us and who we want to be, so we can step out of panic mode and start making better decisions.

It’s an opportunity to build a support system to help you better cope with the effects of your child’s substance use, and to take consistent action towards creating the life we want to live.

Will this really make a difference?

While we may have no control over our loved one’s addiction, we do have control over how we show up to support our loved one.

Participants in our coaching experiences leave with:

  • clarity about what they want and how they want to live their lives
  • a deeper understanding of their personal situation
  • a plan for moving their life in a positive direction
  • the support to navigate obstacles as they implement that plan
  • a feeling of empowerment because they are taking control of their life
I’m not sure that I’m ready to admit my child suffers from addiction.

The stigma of addiction is real and too often we hide in our own shame to the detriment of ourselves and our loved ones.

Addiction is a disease, not a failure of will, and no matter how isolated we feel at times we are not alone in our experiences.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), more than 23 million adults in the United States have struggled with problematic drug use. When we reflect on the impact that one person’s addiction can have on an entire family, that means that addiction has touched many more lives than we usually discuss in ‘polite company’.

Connecting with others who understand ‘first hand’ what we are going through is liberating.

You will not only leave with a sense of belonging, but the support network you need to make better decisions for yourself and your loved ones.

Who will be facilitating the experience?
Our coaching experiences are facilitated by our Founding Mama – Natalie Anderson – who is a professionally certified coach, experience maker and the mother of a son with substance use disorder.

Depending on the experience, Natalie may also be joined by relevant speakers, community members or subject matter experts. Her collection of incredible people have navigated the past few years with courage, grace and grit. They are craftspeople who care deeply about the world around them and choose to spend their valuable energy enriching the lives of others.

Does this replace therapy?

Our coaching experiences can complement any therapy you may currently be undertaking. However they should not be considered a substitute for therapy, should you require it.

How to get started

Step 1

Use our inquiry form to tell
us a little bit about yourself.

Step 2

We’ll be in touch to arrange a chat
to find out more about your needs.

Step 3

We’ll connect you with the
experience that is right for you.

What people say

“Natalie and her team put together a most amazing experience. The group environment was ideal as we were able to leverage the experiences of everyone in the room. There were tears, celebrations, and lots of stretching – mind and body.

Some of us have decided to change our paths and Natalie will help us hold ourselves accountable to act. Others might stay exactly where they are for now, but have a new perspective on themselves.

What happens in group programs, stays in group programs (laugh) so that’s all I can say for now. Other than… if you have the opportunity to participate, please treat yourself. You deserve it. I know I do!”

Jennifer, Seattle WA

Find the strength and resilience to do what's best for you and your loved ones.